Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 7/3/24

Year: 2024

International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices (UFEBUD) aims to bring up the contemporary studies of academicians and practitioners in the fields of banking, economics and finance.

The articles published in the International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices (UFEBUD) cover the sub-disciplines of the fields of banking, economics and finance science.

International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices

Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been previously published or decided to be published in another journal.

1. Title: Compatible with the content of the article, a title that best describes the content and should be written in bold with 12 Punto Palatino Linotype. The title of the article should not exceed 10-12 words.

2. Author name and institution information: Author name and institution information should not be written because the work to be uploaded to the system will be sent to the referees. After receipt of the approval for the publication of the manuscript, the name and surname should be written as stated in the Institution Information (TR & ENG) and the e-mail template.

3. Abstract: At the beginning of the article, there should be a Turkish-English abstract consisting of at least 100 words and maximum 150 words. The abstract should not refer to the sources, figures and tables.

4. Keywords: At least 5, maximum 8 words should be given below the summary. Each word of the keywords should be written in capital letters and a comma must be used between them.

5. Main Text: Pictures, figures, maps etc. should not exceed 35 pages(8000 words) including attachments. Manuscripts to be sent to the journal are A4 size white paper, top, bottom, right 4 cm and left margin are left with 5 cm spacing. However, the tables, figures, pictures, graphics etc. should not exceed the page sizes of the journal and should not exceed the 12x17 cm area for easier use. Therefore, tables, shapes, pictures, graphics, etc. smaller points and single spacing can be used. ”APA-A system will be used in footnotes and bibliography.

6. Section Headings: Main, intermediate and sub-headings can be used in the article provided that they are compatible with the content. Each word of these headings should be written in capital letters

7. Tables and Figures: Tables should be numbered and must have a title. The tables, figures, pictures, graphics etc. should not exceed the page sizes of the journal and should not exceed the 12x17 cm area for easier use. Therefore, tables, shapes, pictures, graphics, etc. smaller points and single spacing can be used.

8. Pictures: Pictures should be submitted with high resolution, print quality scanned. Figures, tables and pictures should not exceed 10 pages (one third of the manuscript). Authors with technical means may place the figures, tables and pictures in their place within the text, provided that they can be printed exactly.

9. Citations: Direct citations should be given in quotation marks. Citation less than 3 lines should be written between rows; Citations longer than 3 lines should be written in 1.5 cm from right and left of the line, in 9 puntos with block spacing. The use of footnote should be avoided as far as possible, only for explanations and (Office Word) automatic numbering should be made.

For detailed information on citation and bibliography see.

Ethical Rules

International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices is a refereed journal which objects to publish qualified articles about banking, economy, business, finance etc. The articles which are sent to the International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices evaluated by the process of bilateral blind review and published with free access electronically. There are the ethical responsibilities, roles and duties of the authors, journal editors, referees and publishers as follows. The ethical principles and rules below are prepared according to the directive of the “Editorial Ethics Committee” (Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE ( Also, information has been provided in the International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices regarding the cases considered plagiarism and unethical behavior.

Author (s)

Articles which are sent to the International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices should be original studies in the fields of banking, economy, business, finance etc.
All sources (authors, online pages, personal interviews, etc.) used in the articles should be cited correctly and appropriately.
It should be noted that the articles submitted to the journal are not sent to another journal and the Copyright Form ( should be filled out.
Individuals who do not contribute to the article intellectually should not be specified as authors.
Conflicts of interest regarding the submitted article should be stated and the reason should be explained.
Authors may be asked to transmit the raw data regarding their works to the editorial board while the referee is in the process, in that case the authors should share their raw data with the editorial board. The authors are responsible for keeping the data for a published article for 5 years.
When the authors determine a mistake in their work, they should inform the editor and the editorial board and cooperate for the correction or withdrawal process.

All articles which are sent toInternational Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices evaluated by the process of bilateral blind review. Bilateral blind review means that the authors are kept confidential from the referees and the referees are kept confidential from the authors in order to ensure an impartial, objective and independent process. The articles are sent to the referees through the journal management system for evaluation. Referees should fill a form that includes article”s contribution to fields of banking, economy,  business, finance etc., and their decisions whether the article will be published or not and their justifications which related to the decision. The ethical responsibilities and roles of the referees of the International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices are as follows:

Referees should referee articles related to only their specialty.
Referees are expected to agree to referee articles without conflicts of interest. When the referees notice any conflict of interest, they should inform the editor and refuse to referee the related article.
Referees should evaluate articles impartially and objectively.
Referees are required to fill in the Referee Evaluation Form regarding the articles they evaluate, and they are expected to not indicate their names in the forms in order not to harm the bilateral blind review process. Referees should also state their decisions on whether the article publishable or not and their justification for their decisions.
The style used by the referees in their suggestions should be polite, respectful and scientific. Referees should avoid aggressive, disrespectful and subjective personal comments. When it is determined that the referees make such unscientific comments, they can be contacted by the editor or editorial board to review and correct their comments.
Referees are required to complete their evaluations within the given time and are expected to comply with the ethical responsibilities stated herein.

COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal”, published by the Editor”s Editorial Ethics Committee (Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE ( Editors ( and “Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors ( Best_Practice.pdf)) and listed below, must comply with the ethical responsibilities listed below.

The editor is responsible for all articles published in the journal. The editor”s ethical duties and responsibilities are as follows:

General Responsibilities

The editor is obliged to make an effort to increase the quality of the journal and contribute to its development.
The editor should support authors” freedom of expression.
Relationships with Readers

The editor should be sure that the sections (letter to editor, invited articles, conference announcements etc.) not needed referees evaluation in the journal are clearly stated.
The editor must make an effort to ensure that the published articles are compatible with the knowledge and skills of journal readers.
Relationships with Referees

The editor should ask the referees to evaluate the articles appropriate for their knowledge and expertise. Thus, articles should be evaluated appropriately by experts in their field.
The editor is obliged to request that the referees indicate that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the article before evaluating an article.
The editor must convey all the necessary information regarding the referee evaluation process and what is expected from the referees to the referees.
The editor must ensure that the peer review process is carried out with bilateral blind review and not disclose the referees to the authors and the authors to the referees.
The editor should evaluate the referees based on their timing and performance.
The editor should create a database of referees and update the database according to the performance of the referees.
The editor should remove the referees who make rude and unqualified comments or return late.
The editor should update and expand the list of referees according to the referees” specialties.
Relationships with Authors

The editor should constantly update the publishing and writing rules and the sample template on what the authors expect.
The editor should evaluate the articles that are sent to the journal in terms of journal writing rules, the importance and originality of the study, and if he decides to reject the article during the first submission process, the author should convey the reason of it clearly and impartially. In this process, if it is decided that the article should be revised in terms of grammar, punctuation and / or spelling rules (margins, referencing appropriately, etc.), the authors should be informed and given time to make necessary corrections.
Articles should include submission and publication dates.
When the authors request information about the status of their articles, the authors should be informed about the status of their articles, so as not to disrupt the bilateral blind review process.
Relationships with Editorial Board

The editor should convey the publishing and writing rules to the members of the new editorial board and explain what is expected of them.
The editor should convey the most up-to-date version of the publication and writing rules to the editorial board members.
The editor should evaluate the members of the editorial board and elect the members who will actively participate in the development of the journal to the editorial board.
The editor should inform the editorial board members of the roles and responsibilities listed below.
- To support development of the journal

- To write compositions related to their specialties when asked

- To review and improve publishing and writing rules

- To fulfill the necessary responsibilities in the journal”s operation


International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices by Mehmet İSLAMOĞLU. The publisher”s ethical responsibilities are as follows:

The publisher acknowledges that the decision maker and the refereeing process are the responsibility of the editor during the article publishing in the International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices.
The publisher provides open, electronic and free access to the journal on the journal”s website.
Plagiarism and Unethical Behaviors

All articles submitted to the International Journal of Financial Economics and Banking Practices are scanned by IThenticate ( or Turnitin ( software program before they are published. Articles with a similarity rate of 25% and below are accepted for publication. Articles exceeding this rate are examined in detail and, if necessary, are sent back to the authors for review or correction, and if plagiarism or unethical behavior is detected, their publication is refused.

Some unethical behaviors are listed below:

Indicating the people who do not contribute to the study as an author.
Not indicating the people who contribute to the study as an author.
Not indicating if the article is produced from the author”s master”s / doctoral thesis or a project.
Making dissection, that is, publishing multiple articles from a single study.
Not reporting conflicts of interest regarding the submitted articles.
Deciphering the bilateral blind review process.

No fee (application fee, publication fee, expense, etc.) or any other benefit is requested from the authors for the publication/evaluation of the articles sent to UFEBUD Journal.

UFEBUD Journal does not pay any royalties to authors for articles published or accepted for publication in the journal.

All expenses of UFEBUD Journal are covered by the editorial board.